收藏: 石榴石| Garnet

  • The English name of garnet is "Garnet", which comes from the Latin "Granatum", which means " like a seed ". Because the shape and color of garnet crystals and pomegranate seeds are very similar , it is named "Garnet".
  • Common garnets are red, but different types of garnets have different colors, including red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, brown, black, pink and transparent.
  • Garnet is a power stone of the submarine chakra. According to legend, it can promote blood circulation and hormone secretion, thereby improving the weak state of Qi and blood, and at the same time helping to improve the function of the reproductive system, so it is called "the stone of women".
birthstone month January
On behalf of the constellation Aquarius
Represents anniversary 2 and 18 years
Corresponding chakra root chakra
spar passed down spirituality woman stone


Learn more about garnet

  • 石榴石的英文“Garnet” ,来源于拉丁文“Granatum” ,意思是「像种子一样」,由于石榴石晶体与石榴籽的形状、颜色十分相似,故被命名为「石榴石」。
  • 古时,石榴石被认为是神赐给所罗门王的四大宝石之一!
  • 根据印度七轮,石榴石是属海底轮能量石,相传能促进血液循环与荷尔蒙分泌,从而改善气血虚弱状态,同时有助改善生殖系统功能,因此称为「女人之石」。
诞生石月份 1月
代表星座 水瓶座
代表周年纪念 2周年
对应脉轮 海底轮
宝石相传灵性 女人之石

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