Learn more about spinel

  • Spinel is a mineral composed of magnesium aluminum oxide. Spinel containing different elements will have different corresponding colors. `
  • The most famous spinel is the " Black Prince's Ruby" inlaid in the Crown of the British Empire; according to expert research, the "Black Prince's Ruby" is not a real ruby, but a red spinel!
  • Spinel is known as a symbol of courage, giving people the power of tenacity and self-confidence, enabling people to overcome difficulties and move forward courageously, encouraging people to boldly pursue their dreams and actively realize their goals and wishes.
  • Black spinel was believed to have great powers of protection and courage in ancient times and was used as an amulet and amulet stone.
  • Red spinel is believed to awaken vitality and strength in the body and inspire inspiration.
birthstone month August
Represent the constellation Pisces
Representative anniversary 22nd anniversary
Corresponding chakra Muladhara Chakra
Gemstones convey spirituality stone of courage